Broken Fingers
Quickly roped in hurricanes, Springing as if loitered-fare.
Complexion bared description, Held disinterest, cauterized;
Her eyes; hard-edged, that zigzag grin.
Discarded ballerina past
And Ali could remember that look of jaded wonder
And Ali could remember that look of jaded wonder
Cremate her laugh with little mumbles,
Chimpanzees take up arms preach time
Here-after flutters in this chest with broken fingers and broken hearts
We fought but it was sweet duress we sat together stealing breath
Drift today but always sell back Drift today but always sell back
We notice little things enlarged like cheetahs posing in city parks
Unearthed voices verge on zigzag grins.
We purposely deceive ourselves!
Pay now or rope the catch back in How eyes betray the fight with sin!
With so many sables, we’re bound to place.
Pro-productivity wins the race
I try to find you/you’re never there (binoculars won’t help)
Machinists love the Swedish thought of crimes and fated blunders
Keep a lookout for disgrace.
Her eyes; hard edged, beyond your clip-clothes
They are pretty shoulder blades but I prefer attention/
Investments leave desire in pieces. Whatever sparks your species
Muncie-town is on her back We crouched and mumbled as she died
Somehow we were closer then Tributary tears connect
Chimpanzee shifts are on their feet But lightning is household current
And as he bought her cards and dice
she laughed and sputtered, pleased and pardoned
She never blinked an eye
I try to find you/you’re never there
Copyright © 2007 Mike Vasas & Brian Slagle. All Rights Reserved.