Found on Bad Luck .
Mike Vasas, 2003.

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To Patricia From Phillip

I aint very good at harmonica but I try. I aint very good at harmonica but at least I try.
The shadows of a few seem to follow like I do and the streaming consciousness is slowing, too.
She aint very good at confrontation or so I have heard; She aint very good at confrontation and so I have her.
She'd rather mull around then to fertilize the ground and she'd rather be in school than be at home.
He's not very good at romancing, all the women say. He's not very good at romancing, all the women say.
So he plays a higher bet with the sparrow that he met and when he falls there's nowhere left to sleep.
We're not very good at responsibility, the elders said. We're not very good at responsibility, the elders said.
Nationality brought the same so the children took the blame.
And these children were confused so their children were abused.
And the artists and the poets are misused

I aint very good at harmonica but I try. I aint very good at harmonica but at least I try.
The shadows of a few seem to follow like I do, and the streaming consciousness is slowing, too.
He aint very good at religion, but he says he is. He aint very good at religion, but he swears he is.
He says he talks to Jesus and he knows just how to please us; so we better give some money to the cause.
She aint very good at sleeping, 'though she tries a lot. She aint very good at sleeping, 'though she tries a lot.
She can't face the truth, the slow diminish of her youth, so she tosses and turns in bed.
We can't seem to speak to each other though I know we've tried.
We can't seem to speak to each other though I know we've tried.
So I turn to the east where I can see the least,
Because it's morning and the sun is leaping forth.

I aint very good at loving you but I try. I aint very good at loving you but I really try.
I know that you want more than some flowers at the door.
And somehow you've made me sure that I'm acting immature.
So I think that I may need to let you be. It's time that I went and set you free.
You don't need to stop your growing because of me.
I aint very good at harmonica but I try.

Copyright © 2002 Mike Vasas. All Rights Reserved.