I won't be the leader of a million dollar merger.
I will not become the next Bob Dylan
I won't be the doctor who discovers the cure for Cancer.
I won't write the next 'Heroes and Villains.'
I will be a listener. I will hear your cries.
I will always sing you songs in the night when you want me to.
I will not be honored at some fancy dinner.
I will never win a noble prize.
I will never be a teen heartthrob singer.
I'd rather be your man than just some guise.
You know I do not trust them.
You know all of my spite.
Still you sing these songs in the night when I need them.
I will not enlist in this army of martyrs.
I will not commit to this illusion.
I don't want the presidency.
I don't need a title.
I already have my conclusion.
We have something special.
We will be as one.
We will always sing these songs in the night when the day is done.
Copyright © 2004 Mike Vasas. All Rights Reserved.