Found on The Lessons
We Have Learned.
Mike Vasas, 2001.

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Ballad 98123

I can see myself in twenty years, somewhere down the way.
I've made a family, made a job, and haven't gone insane.
There's things that somehow will be done and places I will view,
but the only one I want to be with is you.

The road that winds into my head is stranger than it seems.
Mostly when I speak my mind, I don't know what it means.
You are there to comfort me and tell me it's okay.
I don't ever want to push that away.

Some children seem to spend their days dishonest till the end
and try their best to tell the world that you can't be a friend.
But I don't care what others say or whatever they may do.
The only one who's right in my eyes is you.

I'm sorry that I never give you time to be alone.
I'm sorry I leave messages of nothing on the phone
But simply I can't seem to shake your image from my mind:
I just called to say, "I love you" this time.

Copyright © 2000 Mike Vasas. All Rights Reserved.