Found on The Lessons
We Have Learned.
Mike Vasas, 2001.

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Military Action

I am the one they call Mr. Michael Greenwall and I enlisted to fight in a war.
Now, technology rules over family and school and we can't say what we're fighting for.
We had our bodies matured and our minds, rest assured, would sooner-or-later catch up.
Yet, I'm still laying down in trench made from ground and I'm drinking some gin from a cup.

And when you see me there with my balding gray hair even though I am just twenty-one:
Remember that day, though it seems long ago that we all thought that fighting was fun.

My name's Lt. Greenwall and I'm having a ball riding 'round in these old battered jeeps.
Where the men are all dead or they're drugged out instead. All I know is that nobody sleeps.
There are times late at night when I'm stricken with fright And I wish that I wasn't alone.
But there's no point to imagine what will come in the end. I'll just wait until I get home.

And when you see me there with my balding gray hair even though I am just twenty-one:
Remember that day, though it seems long ago that we all thought that fighting was fun.

I am the one that they call Lt. Greenwall and I'm finally leavin' the front
But my heart is left tattered, my arms are all battered and I'm leaving with one leg a stump.
Come on, sing me a song; a song to remember that'll never grow old in the night.
'Cause I need some distraction from this military action that none of us ever wished to fight.

And when you see me there with my balding gray hair even though I am just twenty-one:
Remember that day, though it seems long ago that we all thought that fighting was fun.

Copyright © 2000 Mike Vasas. All Rights Reserved.