Arbeit Macht Frei
Something has happened to me.
Something has happened to me.
I wish I were an aeroplane
so I could crash into the sea.
People aren't what they say.
People aren't what they say.
I wish I were a magazine.
Then I'd be folded away.
When the feature film that's playing in my mind decides to cease.
When the day comes like an April rain for me to be at peace.
Will anyone shed a tear for me? Does anyone remember me?
I'm alone in this place. I'm alone in this place.
I wonder if my mother is alive and would she recognize my face.
When the feature film that's playing in my mind decides to cease.
When the day comes like an April rain for me to be at peace.
Will anyone shed a tear for me? Does anyone remember me?
My brother's underfed. My father's stricken to bed.
I heard some gossip from the others: my mother is dead.
You have no memory. You have no sympathy.
It's your apathy as you listen to this song that's keeping me locked away.
When the feature film that's playing in my mind decides to cease.
When the day comes like an April rain for me to be at peace.
Will anyone shed a tear for me? Does anyone remember me?
Copyright © 2000 Mike Vasas. All Rights Reserved.